
Law Office

Secher Bairam Ali

Secher Bairam Ali was born in Komotini, which is the capital of Rhodope, in 1995. She is a graduate of Law School of Democritus University of Thrace with a very good degree. She did a thriving internship and gained valuable experience in practicing law. She also completed her Master Degree in Arbitration Law at the Democritus University of Thrace. She succeeded in the Panhellenic Lawyer Competition and since she has maintained her law office in the city of Komotini. In 2020, she completed the Basic Mediator Training at the INKADA Institute in collaboration with ADR Hellenic Training Hub and after passing the exams of the Ministry of Justice in 2021, she became an Accredited Mediator. After the required training, she specialized and received in 2021 and 2022 the title of Family and Cadastral Mediator, respectively.She has participated in legal seminars and trainings with high theoretical education and she is able to provide documented and reliable legal solutions and answers with promptness, speed, flexibility, confidence and confidentiality to her clients. She always is well informed on the latest legal and financial developments. She speaks also excellent Greek and Turkish and very well German languages.

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